
A Plus Interview – Winning the talent war

25 Oct 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Aplus Interview Louisa Hr Recuritment Winningthetalentwar

Not only was business being affected by the COVID, but also employees’ career plans. Ms. Louisa Yeung, CEO of KOS, mentioned in the interview of A Plus “Winning the talent war” about how business can meet the development expectations of employees. In addition to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, employers should offer professional development opportunities to their employees as well.

Full version interview:

疫情不僅對各行各業有所影響,甚至令員工對自身的事業規劃都有所改變。KOS行政總裁 Louisa Yeung 於A Plus “ Winning the talent war” 訪問中提及公司可如何配合員工的發展意願,除了為員工塑造一個具多元化及包容性的工作環境外,僱主亦需適時提供職業發展機會。