
HKAPA “What You Need to Know for Start-up” Series – Webinar

15 Nov 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Hkapa Webinar Sharing Louisa Eric 1

Successfully starting a business is only the first step in realizing an entrepreneur’s dream. The real challenges include keeping the company growing, expanding its business, and raising funds through listing. Louisa Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of KOS, and Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS, were invited as guest speakers earlier to attend HKAPA's "You need to know as an Entrepreneur" series of webinars, sharing their views on human resources market trends in Hong Kong and China and the opportunities brought by the

epidemic. They mentioned how to constantly adjust their mentality and make full use of the team's abilities are the key factors for success. When KOS was listed, Louisa and Eric were more convinced that the development of KOS can go a lot further and hence expanded the team and customer base to prepare the company for a bigger stage.

成功創業只是企業家夢想成真的第一步,令公司持續增長、擴展業務、上市集資才是真正的挑戰。KOS行政總裁 Louisa Yeung 及KOS首席戰略官 Eric Ng早前獲邀為嘉賓講者出席了HKAPA的“創業你要「知」”系列網絡研討會,席間分享了協助KOS上市的心路歷程 ,並分析香港與國內人力資源市場趨勢和疫情帶來的機遇。他們提及當中如何不斷調節心態及充分運用團隊的能力皆為成功的主要因素。當KOS上市後,Louisa 及 Eric 更深信KOS的發展不只於此,反而更應擴大團隊及客戶群﹐為踏上更大的舞台而準備。