
KOS Kick-off 2023

20 Jan 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Kick Off 2023 Group Photo

Want to work seamlessly within the company? Everyone must first understand others jobs and responsibilities and can hence create synergy. KOS Kick-off 2023 was held in the Arca today, with different teams reviewing the performance in 2022 and sharing the development and related plans in 2023. KOSers took this opportunity to learn more about the work of other teams, which is conducive to more cross-departmental cooperation in the future, adhering to the spirit of One KOS!

In addition, we have prepared trophies for KOSers who have worked in KOS for five years to thank them for their dedication to the company. We look forward to walking the path with them together for many more years ahead.

We also invited Corporate Training Consultant - Jetta Chan to prepare the Team Building "Survival at Sea" for KOSers. KOSers enjoyed a lot and were all surprised by the magical ending! It turns out that when working as a team, our chance of survival will always be greatly improved!

要和公司上下合作無間?大家必先了解各自的工作崗位及職責並共同為公司作出貢獻。KOSers 今日於 the Arca 舉辦了KOS Kick-off 2023 ,內容包括各部門回顧2022年的表現及展望2023年的發展及相關計劃。同事籍此機會了解到更多關於其他部門的工作,有利於將來更多跨部門合作,秉承One KOS精神!


我們亦邀請到Corporate Training Consultant - Jetta Chan為 KOSers 準備了Team Building 「Survival at Sea」,同事都非常投入,神奇的結局出現了,原來work as a team 的時候,生存機率會大大提高!