
Wall Drawing Round 2 @KOS Office

06 Jan 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Drawing Jason Tommy 1

Great news! We have got another wall drawing up in KOS office! As all KOSers found the last wall drawing very fascinating, Bosses have invited JasonTommy again to paint the wall in our Conference Room (fully coloured with even more details)! This has made our Conference Room the absolute best choice for meeting with clients! Thank you Bosses.

有咩開心得過畫咗一幅牆?係畫兩幅呀。老細愈睇愈鍾意上次畫咗嘅牆,今次再搵JasonTommy畫埋Conference Room 嗰幅白牆(仲要係彩色嘅)。作品超多details, 我哋開會時望住幅畫都精神晒!多謝老闆 。