Chris Lau, Country Manager (China and Hong Kong) of Cantel Medial, Kate Lam, Assistant Director of CUHK MBA Programmes and Carina Cheung, Manager of CUHK MBA Programmes together with CUHKMBA Students were here with us at KOS Hong Kong office to network and exchange market intel. Our KOS team - Eric Ng (Chief Strategy Officer), Rebecca Chan (Managing Director), Winnie Tam (Head of People and Culture), Jason Li, Xavier Tam and Alec Yeung (Senior Manager) shared the hottest jobs among various industries and provided advice to the students on how to make the best use of their network to get more opportunities.
Cantel Medical 中國及香港區域經理 Chris Lau 、香港中文大學工商管理碩士課程代表 - 副總經理 Kate Lam 及經理 Carina Cheung 與 CUHKMBA 現屆碩士生早前來到 KOS 香港辦公室跟我們進行交流。我們當晚亦為各位準備了精美小食及飲品,KOS 首席戰略官 Eric Ng、董事總經理 Rebecca Chan、人才及文化總監 Winnie Tam、資深經理 Jason Li, Xavier Tam 及 Alec Yeung 與來賓們分享了現時職場上對各專業的需求,以及建議各準畢業生可如何善用自己的人際網絡去尋求更多機遇。