The Hong Kong Youth Development Alliance (YDAHK) and the Leadership Institute on Narcotics (LION) have arranged for LION students from 20 secondary schools and 8 universities to visit the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA) in Shek Kwu Chau. Even in the face of the cold wind, KOS Founder and Executive Directors, Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, accompanied the students to visit the SARDA as mentors. The social workers of the SARDA shared their experience in drug rehabilitation which has inspired a lot of the participants. This trip has also enabled everyone to better understand the scourge of drugs. In addition to causing permanent damage to the body, it also causes damage to family members to varying degrees. Say No to Drugs!
香港青年發展聯盟(YDAHK) 聯同「禁毒領袖學院(LION)」早前為20間中學及8間大學的LION學員安排了到石鼓洲參觀香港戒毒會。即使面對寒風,KOS創始人及執行董事Eddie Chan及Jackson Chan 仍以導師身份親身陪同學員到戒毒會探訪,期間更有戒毒所社工的及院友的戒毒經驗分享,相信大家都獲益良多。此行也令各位都更深入了解到毒品的禍害,除了對身體造成永久傷害之餘,對家人亦有不同程度的傷害。所以吸毒絕對是不可一不可再!
After the visit, Eddie and Jackson went to the beach of Shek Kwu Chau with the LION students to clean up the beach. After everyone's hard work, the beach has returned to a clean state. Actions speak louder than words!