Good news! Kevin Xu has joined KOS Singapore as Director. He visited our Hong Kong office to meet KOSers and understand the operation of the company. KOS Singapore will work closely with KOS Hong Kong to provide our clients with diversified professional services. We went to "Yum Cha" and Lei Yue Mun to enjoy seafood dinner with Kevin as well. Next time we will meet Kevin in Singapore!
好消息!Kevin Xu 加入了KOS 新加坡團隊並擔任總監一職,他一連3日到香港辦公室跟同事會面,全面了解公司各部門的運作,KOS新加坡將與香港KOS緊密合作,為客戶繼續提供更多元的專業服務。我們更跟Kevin 到中式酒樓「飲茶」及到鯉魚門享用海鮮晚餐!期望我們很快能於新加坡再見面。