
Seminar: How to Build an Effective Personal and Employer Brand by Gary Lo

15 Mar 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Gary Lo Sharing Rebecca Chan Eric Ng Winnie Tam 1

KOS held an online/offline seminar on "How to Build an Effective Personal and Employer Brand" in our Hong Kong office. We were honoured to invite Mr. Gary Lo, Managing Director and Principal Instructor of Glo Consulting, to host the seminar. During the seminar, Gary shared the importance of building a personal brand, and detailed suggestions on how the guests should put it into action.

早前KOS於香港辦公室舉辦了一個關於「如何建立個人或員工品牌」的線上/線下研討會,我們很榮幸邀請了Glo Consulting 董事總經理及首席講師 Gary Lo 主持研討會,席間Gary 分享了建立個人品牌的重要性,並詳細建議嘉賓們該如何循序漸進地付諸行動。

Gary also shared his own experience as an example, including the tones and manners to write different posts on Social Media Platforms, whether to directly share other people's posts, etc... He provided a clear direction on how to build a personal brand, and the guests have all learned much from him. Thanks to Gary for taking the time to attend the seminar, and also the online/offline guests for the lively discussion. We look forward to seeing all of you again soon!

Gary更分享了自身經驗作為例子,包括應用不同的語調於社交平台寫不同的帖子 、應否直接分享一些其他人的帖子等等… 為如何建立個人品牌提供了非常明確的方向,嘉賓們都獲益良多。非常感謝Gary撥冗出席研討會及作為主講嘉賓,亦感謝當日線上/線下的嘉賓熱烈討論。希望將來有更多互相交流的機會!