The WELL DUNK! Charity Corporate 3x3 Basketball Tournament was held earlier at Southern Stadium by InspiringHK Sports Foundation. KOS Founders and Executive Directors, Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, participated in the competition. The tournament was intense and exciting, and filled with cheers and applause. The atmosphere at the court was incredible. All the players fought for every goal and every point for the team in the 10 minutes game. Till the very last moment, the players gave their best and showed great sportsmanship. Evaluations were also done by the teams after the matches to prepare for future competitions.
凝動體育香港體育基金於修頓球場舉辦了《邨JUMP!》慈善三人籃球企業邀請賽。KOS 創始人及執行董事 Eddie Chan 和 Jackson Chan 身體力行參與賽事,當日賽事非常緊張刺激,歡呼聲、掌聲及鼓勵的聲音此起彼落。現場氣氛非常高漲,各球員於短短10分鐘內為球隊力爭每一球每一分,即使到賽事尾聲,球員仍然奮力比賽,盡顯體育精神。比賽完結後亦有作出檢討,為未來的賽事做好準備。
The same spirit can also be found in our KOS team. We always do our best to match the most suitable job seekers with the best opportunities. KOS maintain a close relationship with our clients and candidates, as we strive to achieve long-term success together with our stakeholders.
同樣的精神亦見於我們 KOS 團隊,我們每一次都會竭盡全力為客戶聘請合適的求職者,同樣地,我們亦會為求職者尋求最合適的工作機會。而KOS更會與客戶及求職者保持聯絡及維持良好關係,希望能與各方建立長遠良好的合作關係。