
20th Joint Conference for GSS Principals and Assistant Principals

21 Jun 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Recruitment Joint Conference For Gss Principals And Assistant Principals Jackson Chan1

- Listen to the students;

- Build respectful and trustful relationships;

- Give proper advices;

- Focus on students’ self-development and correct mind set;

- Action speaks louder than words;

- Adversity Quotient (AQ) training.

As a young entrepreneur, Jackson founded KOS at the age of 26 and became the Executive Director and management of the company. As KOS continued to expand, Jackson faced increasing challenges. He managed the group with an innovative approach to solve problems and create opportunities. He believes that the principals can take his management approach at KOS as reference when nurturing secondary school students:

Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools (APGAA) and Association of Assistant Principals of Government Secondary Schools (AAPGAA) hosted the 20th Joint Conference for GSS Principals and Assistant Principals. The theme was “Talent Cultivation” and managements from different businesses were invited be the Guest Speakers to provide insights to attendees and Jackson Chan, Founder and Executive Director of KOS, was one of the Guest Speakers.

政府中學校長協會及官立中學副校長會聯手舉辦了第20屆校長及副校長聯合會議,是屆會議以「人才培育」為主題並邀請了來自不同行業的管理層分享其自身經歷,其中 KOS 創始人及執行董事 Jackson Chan 獲邀以嘉賓身份出席會議。Jackson 於年僅26歲時便創立了KOS,成為了公司的執行董事及管理層,隨著 KOS 不斷擴展,Jackson 面對的挑戰也日漸增加,他選擇了以與時俱進的管理方式去解決問題和創造商機。 他認為校長們於培育中學生時,可參考他於KOS的管理方式:

- 多聆聽學生的聲音;

- 建立互相尊重及互相信任的關係;

- 適當的給予建議;

- 著重學生的個人發展及正面思維模式;

- 言教不如身教;

- 培育學生面對逆境的能力。