
KOS Kick-off 2024

27 Jan 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Kickoff 2024 1

Exciting Times at KOS!

KOS Hong Kong , Mainland China, and Singapore Team recently gathered for an unforgettable 2024 Kickoff meeting over 3 days and 2 nights!

We shared valuable business data and upcoming plans, fostering greater synergy among our talented teams. As ONE KOS, we believe in learning and growing together!

With cross-branch collaboration as the focus, our team-building session featured an exhilarating game of Squid Game, filled with laughter and endless fun.

We also had the incredible opportunity to bond over a beach fireworks display, creating lasting memories and strengthening our connections.
And let's not forget the delicious meals that left a lasting impression on everyone!

We're thrilled to have this chance to work closely with our amazing colleagues from HK, Mainland China and Singapore. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue our journey of success as ONE KOS!

KOS 精彩時刻!

我們的KOS 香港、中國及新加坡團隊最近又再一次聚首一堂,參與了為期3日兩夜的2024 Kickoff會議!


在跨地合作為重點的Team building環節中,我們的主題是緊張刺激的魷魚遊戲,期間更能彰顯合作的重要性,而歡笑聲更此起彼落。



我們非常高興能夠與來自不同國家的KOSERS緊密合作,讓我們成為ONE KOS繼續前行!