
Celebrating a New Chapter: KOS's Grand Office Move in GZ!

21 Sep 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Gz Kelvin Eddie Jackson Raymond Eric Calvin Kos China Grandopening 1

We are overjoyed to announce that KOS has officially moved into our fantastic new office in GZ! To mark this exciting milestone, we hosted a lively pig cutting ceremony, followed by a delightful catering and drinks session that filled the air with laughter and cheer!

With this celebration, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our amazing team and valued partners for their continuous support. Here's to a brighter future filled with growth, success, and endless possibilities!

KOS非常高興跟大家宣佈,我們正式搬入於廣州的全新辦公室! 為了慶祝這個令人振奮的消息,我們舉辦了一場簡單而隆重的入伙儀式,包括切乳豬及放花炮慶祝,隨後更有美食和酒水的款待,充滿歡笑和喜悅的氛圍!
