
Marco Li - the Cross - Company Excellence Awards

27 Mar 00:00 by Alexa Tse

Kos Marco Li Staffing 2

Congratulations to Marco Li, our Staffing Senior Consultant, has been recognized with the Cross - Company Excellence Awards - Certificate of Appreciation at the "Customer Service Excellence Programme Award Presentation 2023” hosted by Hong Kong International Airport !

Marco's exceptional work ethic and unwavering commitment to excellence have set a shining example for KOSers. We also held a small celebration in the company, and all of us enjoyed it.

Let's join hands in congratulating Marco on this incredible achievement and continue to provide professional service to our clients, making KOS everyone's trusted partner!

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恭喜KOS的Staffing資深顧問Marco Li 榮獲由香港國際機場主辦「優質客戶服務頒獎典禮2023」 頒發的合作團隊卓越獎 (嘉許獎)!

